Scottish nature recovery projects share £800K

Projects which enhance nature on farms, revive rivers and help rare species recover are sharing £796,992 of funding in the latest round of awards from Scotland’s Nature Restoration Fund.

Managed by NatureScot, the £65 million Scottish Government fund supports projects to help tackle the nature-climate crises, working to restore Scotland’s biodiversity and increase resilience to climate change, while improving the health and wellbeing of local communities.

More than £40 million has been awarded through the fund since its launch in 2021, including to more than 170 projects through the competitive scheme run by NatureScot. Now a further nine projects are being supported to develop their plans for nature recovery.

Moray Farm Cluster is a farmer-led initiative of 15 land holdings covering more than 14,900 acres who are working together to reverse the decline of biodiversity while increasing climate and economic resilience and famer wellbeing. By improving, extending and connecting habitats on their farms they are making space for nature alongside food production. The project will receive £184,826.

Forth Rivers Trust is being awarded a total of almost £265,000 for three projects which will upscale existing works to revive the Allan Water, restore the Kelty Water and Upper Forth, and tackle invasive, non-native species such as American skunk cabbage and signal crayfish throughout the Forth catchment.

Butterfly Conservation will be working with landowners in Highland Perthshire to help the recovery of rare butterflies and moths. They will be assessing the status and habitat condition in core areas and then planning and costing a range of solutions to help boost these vulnerable species. The project is being awarded £21,840.

NatureScot Chair Professor Colin Galbraith said, “Nature restoration projects can and do require a significant amount of preparation and planning before groundworks begin. This development work can be costly and time consuming, however well planned and prepared projects are the bedrock of successful nature recovery.

“The Nature Restoration Fund provides vital development funding to projects, such as those being announced today, so that they can maximise the benefits and positive impacts for nature, by restoring habitats and species in the most sustainable and cost-effective ways.”


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