Regen farming centre planned for Somerset Levels

£2m of the government’s Towns Fund will be used to create a regenerative farming centre of the Somerset Levels as part of Glastonbury’s regeneration plans.

The centre will be designed to be a community-led agroecological facility which will enable people to find a place of learning and development, and gain knowledge and experience in producing local food.

A spokesman for the Glastonbury Town Deal board said “Through demonstrations and hands-on learning, people will learn how to work with, rather than against, the land. In doing so, they’ll be helping to improve soil quality, support biodiversity and enhance natural ecosystems.

“As well as producing local food and thereby reducing food miles, other aims of the project include inspiring smallholders, landowners and gardeners to care for the land in harmony with nature; increasing food resilience; and improving the mental and physical well-being of local residents.”

Most of the site will be used for agricultural purposes, including crop growing, an apothecary and herb garden, wetlands and a forest school.

A processing barn will also be constructed, as well as roundhouses for training, shipping containers to provide kitchens and offices, and a number of polytunnels and composting toilets. New footpaths will also be created to link the site to the Beckery Village area of the town.

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