McCain and Natwest supporting farmers in net zero challenge

McCain Foods and NatWest are working together to offer financial support to potato farmers transitioning to more sustainable agricultural practices.

McCain’s has committed to delivering regenerative agriculture across 100% of its global potato acreage by 2030. However, this transition will often require up-front investments in new equipment and practices from farmers, which can create a barrier to uptake.

To reduce this challenge Natwest will offer financial support to McCain potato farmers, while the global food giant will contribute towards the interest for assets that support regenerative agriculture practices.

Vice President of Agriculture at McCain, James Young, said “the shift towards regenerative agriculture practices is vital to future proof the farming industry.

“We are working with our growers, customers and key stakeholders to ensure the long-term viability of potato growing in the UK,” he added.

Ian Burrow, head of agriculture at NatWest commented: “Agriculture is a sector of paramount importance to the UK economy, and one which is at a turning point, facing higher costs, inflation and the daunting challenge of net zero.”

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