First biodiversity net gain deal completed for Braintree District

Essex farm, Spains Hall Estate, has completed the first off-site Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) deal in Braintree District in north west Essex.

A developer working in Braintree District secured the required off-site habitat units from the local pioneering nature recovery project after maximising the on-site compensation they could achieve.

This approach was supported by Braintree District Council through the planning process and secured using the first BNG Section 106 agreement in the district.

An area of 1.3 hectares of new grassland and scrub will be created and maintained at Spains Hall Estate for at least the next 30 years.

Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an innovative approach aimed at enhancing natural ecosystems. New developments in England must now deliver at least a 10% measured increase in biodiversity, ensuring that the natural environment thrives alongside human expansion. The Environment and Town and Country Planning Acts demand that any biodiversity lost due to construction or development must be surpassed by a measurable improvement, providing a net gain overall.

Ecological gain must first be maximised on the site itself, but once these opportunities have been exhausted BNG can be delivered by responsible off-site providers who create and maintain the required habitat for at least 30 years.

A spokesperson for Spains Hall Estate said, “As one of only five national Biodiversity Net Gain Credits pilot sites we are at the forefront of this ground-breaking legislation to ensure developments contribute towards biodiversity gain. In 2022 we embarked on an ambitious 50-plus year programme of habitat creation of a large area of biodiversity-focussed land management change. Working with Natural England has allowed us to generate around 500 high quality BNG units, suitable for use in both mandatory and voluntary markets.

The Spains Hall Estate has allocated over 100 hectares for potential BNG projects. The farm offers in-house habitat management for the lifetime of the scheme, an in-house ecologist, habitat management and monitoring, extensive baseline and ongoing surveys, and an advanced relationship with their Local Planning Authority. The BNG at Spains Hall Estate is part of a wider sustainable land use plan which includes flood risk reduction, water quality enhancement and carbon credits.

Archie Ruggles-Brise, Estate Manager of Spains Hall Estate, said, “This deal is fantastic as it will enable us to dedicate some of our less productive land to nature. This fits brilliantly alongside our transition to sustainable farming and other nature based projects (including our famous beavers who continue to reduce flood risk in Finchingfield). We hope it is the first of many such deals we secure as we aim to restore over 100 hectares of wildlife habitats on the farm through our Ecological Landscape Plan.

Ruggles-Brise added, “Credit should also go to the team at Braintree District Council. This is the first BNG Section 106 agreement they’ve approved, and their collaborative approach was instrumental in getting it done. We hope it will ultimately help establish Braintree District as a focus for sustainable development that results in nature recovery as well as economic growth. ”

This first BNG deal builds on many years pioneering work to restore nature at the Spains Hall Estate. Since 2020 the estate were one of only five Natural England Biodiversity Net Gain pilot sites, helping the government and regulators develop the policy that underpins this and other BNG deals. The estate now offers BNG Units to developers through the country, but with a focus on East Anglia and London.

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