European regenerative ag & food finance map

Lively Earth, in association with Regenerative Food Systems Investment, have developed a map of European regenerative agriculture and finance.

A Lively Earth spokesperson said that, “there are an increasing number of individuals and organisations engaged in building regenerative agriculture and food systems around the globe – we recognise the importance of building a community in order to effectively act as a collective.”

Lively Earth says that it serves this mission in many ways – education and connections being a part of our work alongside financing – but an important first step in building an ecosystem is understanding who the capital players are.

They say that a “capital ecosystem for regenerative agriculture and food systems” means:

  • There is enough capital coming into the system to fuel the expansion of regenerative agriculture and food (and its positive outcomes)
  • The capital is aligned with the unique needs and diverse goals of regeneration
  • The capital is diverse and can serve the space in the myriad of ways it is needed across the value chain and across geographies
  • There is continual innovation in how the capital is put to work by both funders and solution builders on the ground

In terms of methodology, organisations selected for inclusion have met one or more of the following criteria:

  • Are funding or investing in projects in Europe
  • Have regenerative agriculture and/or food systems embedded in their core thesis
  • Have already made investments in regenerative projects or funds
  • Show consistent alignment with the goals of regeneration within their portfolio (even if the entire portfolio is not within the agriculture and food space)

NB: Smaller, country specific funders may not be included here.

European Regenerative Ag & Food Finance Map

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