North can lead the UK’s first nature-positive economy

The North of England can drive investment in nature recovery and become the first nature positive regional economy say over 50 cross-sector groups, businesses and partnerships.

Investing in Nature for the North: A Strategic Plan for a Nature Positive Regional Economy, was launched this week in Sheffield, and shaped by over 400 contributors.

The plan was produced by Nature North, which is supported by £500,000 from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation.

The strategic plan lays out how the North is uniquely positioned to scale up green initiatives, drive economic growth, attract public and private investment and improve the prosperity, wellbeing and resilience of communities.

It sets out clear steps and actions for a Northern nature-positive economy, and what Nature North will be doing to help drive change. The plan references successful live initiatives to build upon across the region. From The Great North Bog and The Northern Forest to projects in Sheffield, Manchester, Cumbria, Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire and the North East.

Nature North is also developing five additional investable propositions. These are compelling cases for investing in large-scale, or aggregated, nature-recovery projects linked to rivers, coasts and estuaries, farming, urban nature and connecting nature networks with transport and energy infrastructure.

Mike Innerdale, chair of Nature North, said, “By building on the success of other large-scale projects we need to create new investment mechanisms at scale, and channel greater resources into local communities and organisations.

“This strategic plan shows that the North can lead the way in nature’s recovery and that a thriving environment, farming, and sustainable economic growth can go hand in hand.

“Nature is a foundation for growth, not a barrier. Through collaboration, and leadership at all levels, we can heal our land, rebalance our economy, provide better lives for people and be an inspirational model for other regions around the world.”

Tony Juniper, Chair of Natural England, said, “With the increased pace in devolution across the North, alongside green growth and net zero ambitions, the North is in a unique position to drive forward a pioneering and transformative approach to Nature recovery. In doing so it will bring multiple rewards for the environment, economy, and communities across the region and act as an inspiration to other parts of the country and beyond.”

Peter Young, The Broadway Initiative said, “Business finds the current array of initiatives, organisations and requests to help nature a bewildering barrier to investment. This strategy for the North heralds a new strategic, holistic and consistent approach, which is an essential precursor to high-integrity, fast-growing and well-regulated nature markets.

“The North already has leading projects to demonstrate nature’s recovery at scale. With the right leadership and co-ordination, business believes the North can make investment in nature a key competitive advantage, benefitting citizens, boosting business, reducing risk and replenishing our natural environment.”

Read Nature North’s strategic plan here

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