Join Innovative Farmers for the latest feeding willow to livestock network webinar – Thursday, February 27th 1-2pm GMT
They will be joined by farmer, Tom Fairfax & Dr Nigel Kendall to discuss results of this field lab evaluating the effect of feeding willow leaves to weaned lambs.
This field lab explored how cobalt-rich willow trees could prevent deficiencies in lambs, cutting the need for supplements. Willow is known for high levels of cobalt, zinc and salycilic acid, providing valuable supplementary feed in addition to shelter, shade, water retention and carbon sequestration.
Innovative Farmers will hear from both Tom (Mindrum Estate, a triallist in the field lab)and Nigel (School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University of Nottingham) on the trial design, the results and lessons learned around the practicalities of feeding willow to lambs.
There will be opportunities for participants to engage fully in the session and ask any questions to the panel.
Find out more about the Field Lab
Image: Innovative Farmers