8.9 Newsweek podcast – “Respect farmers experience to change food systems”

In this programme, we’ll hear from Jerry Alford from the Soil Association, Beth Metson from the Soil Association Exchange – and Lauren Baker from the Global Alliance for the Future of Food will tell us that we need to respect farmer experience and indigenous knowledge as much as we do peer-reviewed science.

I’ll talk to Neil Nicholas from Coleg Sir Gar about slurry spreading, and Charlie Taverner from the FFCC will tell us what the UK government’s got wrong about food security.

First up, I discuss the ‘Land squeeze’ report with Nettie Wiebe from IPES-Food.

Nettie Wiebe, IPES-Food – 0′ 42”
Lauren Baker, Global Alliance for the Future of Food – 11′ 40”
Jerry Alford, Soil Association – 25′ 40”
Beth Metson, Soil Association Exchange – 34′ 42”
Neil Nicholas, Coleg Sir Gar – 44′ 35”
Dr Charlie Taverner, Food, Farming and Countryside Commission – 52′ 01”

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