5m Books rides in support of Farm Africa

5m Books, the publisher of the recently released companion book for the popular film, Six Inches of Soil, is taking part in Farm Africa’s 500 km London to Paris cycling and fundraising challenge.

Jeremy Toynbee and Jonny Badley will be part of a larger Farm Africa team consisting of Gillian, Millie and Charlotte from vegetable grower Barfoots, Michelin-starred chef Paul Foster, and longstanding Farm Africa supporter, farmer Tim Jury.

Riding between 25 and 28 September, they will complete 500km riding from the outskirts of London to the Arc de Triomphe on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, the iconic finishing point of the Tour de France.

The team is supporting Farm Africa, a charity that reduces poverty in eastern Africa by helping farmers grow more, sell more and sell for more.

Publishing Manager, Alessandro Pasini, said, “As a publisher of agriculture books we were delighted to throw Jonny and Jeremy under the bus to support this great cause when the idea came up in a meeting with the Farm Africa guys. 5m’s mission is to improve the health and happiness of the animals we farm and live with and to regenerate the world we farm and live in. Supporting Farm Africa’s wonderful work with smallholder farmers unlocking the transformative potential of sustainable agriculture.”

Today, over half of the world’s extreme poor live in sub-Saharan Africa. The vast majority work in agriculture.

Working in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, Farm Africa is growing agriculture, protecting the environment and developing businesses in rural areas.

Here’s how a donation could help:

  • £5 could help to buy 10kg of forage seeds, so that farmers can grow food for their livestock
  • £11 could provide training to one woman in high-quality coffee production in Uganda
  • £16 could help to pay for a farmer to hire help to bring in his harvest
  • £22 could help to establish a forest products enterprise
  • £60 is enough to buy two local female goats for pastoralist women in Ethiopia
  • £100 could help to provide two farmers with the means to start a beekeeping business, including a hive, beekeeping equipment and a bee colony

Partnership Development Manager at Farm Africa, Louise Spearman, said, “We are incredibly grateful to 5m Books for taking on the London to Paris cycle ride in support of Farm Africa. Their dedication to our cause will make a significant impact, helping us provide farmers in eastern Africa with the tools and knowledge they need to build sustainable livelihoods. 100% of funds raised by 5m Books will go a long way in supporting communities to overcome challenges and secure a better future. We can’t thank them enough for their commitment and generosity.”

To support Jeremy and Jonny’s London to Paris cycle challenge and donate to Farm Africa please click here

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