8.9 Newsweek – UK Election Interviews

In this week’s programme we’ll hear interviews with candidates from three of the parties standing across Britain in next week’s UK general election – the Liberal Democrats, the Conservatives and the Green Party. The Labour party were unable to make anyone available for a conversation.
Julia Aglionby, the Liberal Democrat candidate for Penrith and Solway – 01’0”
Simon Hoare, the Conservative candidate for North Dorset – 45’25”
Toby Hammond, the Green Party candidate for Beccles and Lowestoft -1,16’05”

A list of all candidates in the Penrith and Solway constituency:
Julia Aglionby, Liberal Democrats
Markus Campbell-Saviours, Labour Party
Susan Denham-Smith, The Green Party
Roy Ivinson, Independent
Mark Jenkinson, The Conservative Party
Chris Johnston, Independent
Shaun Long, Social Democratic Party
Matthew Moody, Reform UK

A list of all candidates in the North Dorset constituency:
Si Adams, Independent
James Coldwell, Labour Party
Simon Hoare, Conservative and Unionist Party
Ken Huggins, Green Party
Gary Jackson, Liberal Democrats
Ash Leaning, Reform UK
Lester Taylor, UK Independence Party
Daniel Woodruffe, Social Democratic Party

A list of all candidates for Beccles and Lowestoft:
Peter Aldous, Conservative
Jessica Asato, Labour
Toby Hammond, Green
June Mummery, Reform
Adam Robertson, Lib Dem

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